Tuesday, October 20, 2009

100 Days of Dr. Dictionary, Round 3

1. fugacious: lasting but a short time
2. turbid: thick with or as if with roiled sediment
3. innocuous: harmless; producing no ill effect
4. redolent: having or exuding fragrance
5. fetor: a strong, offensive smell; stench

"NL, exhausted from a fugacious and altogether innocuous attempt at lovemaking, cautiously slipped off the now turbid banana peel, having replaced its once redolent aroma with a fetor that even the best trained dog would flee from."

6. pukka: authentic; genuine
7. convivial: fond of feasting, drinking, and good company
8. titivate: to make decorative additions to
9. foofaraw: excessive or flashy ornamentation or decoration
10. burgeon: to begin to grow or blossom
11. raffish: characterized by or suggestive of flashy vulgarity, crudeness, or rowdiness
12. incarnadine: having a fleshy pink color
13. descry: to detect
14. cavort: to bound or prance about

"Descrying a convivial party across the hallway and wanting to make a pukka impression, AR cavorted back into his room and rapidly titivated his costume, which after several applications of glitter, bubble wrap, and raspberry peanut butter swirls burgeoned into a veritable foofaraw that coverd him from head to toe, save for some raffish omissions that displayed his most private and incarnadine features."

15. triskaidekaphobia: fear of the number 13
16. excupate: to relieve of blame
17. reverie: a state of dreamy meditation or fanciful musing
18. esurient: hungry; greedy
19. predilection: a predisposition to choose or like

"Far from displaying triskaidekaphobia, JV regards the number thirteen almost with reverie, esurient in his collection of bad luck charms, which excupate his predilection for sorrow."

20. propitious: presenting favorable circumstances or conditions
21. sinuous: characterized by many curves or turns
22. traduce: to vilify
23. delectation: great pleasure
24. crapulous: given to or characterized by gross excess in drinking or eating
25. bucolic: rustic
26. sacrosanct: extremely sacred or inviolable
27. voluptuary: a person devoted to luxury and the gratification of sensual appetites
28. gadabout: someone who romes about in search of amusement or social activity
29. rictus: a gaping grin or grimace
30. flout: to mock, to scoff
31. pecorate: to speak or expound at length

"BS, once regarding the sobriety of his mind as sacrosanct, has been seduced by the bottle--that sinuous voluptuary!--and now pecorates at length about the propitious delectation of good scotch, a crapulous gadabout who on more than one occasion has stood before a statue and flouted the cut of its trousers and form of its shoes just before collapsing in front of it with a gentle rictus on his face, dreaming of the sweet liquid he was once keen to traduce, no better than a bucolic dunderhead."

32. dalliance: frivolous spending of time
33. peradventure: possibly; perhaps
34. metier: a profession
35. travail: painful or aduous work; severe toil or exertion
36. celerity: rapidity of motion or action
equipoise: a state of being equally balanced
37. desultory: jumping or passing from one thing or subject to another without order or rational connection
38. brio: enthusiastic vigor
39. stultify: to render useless or ineffectual

"Peradventure, if I do not cease these desultory and stultifying dalliances, arrive at some equipoise between work and play, and commense with celerity and brio the travail of submitting my secondary applications, I shall never attain the metier I desire."

40. tchotchke: a knickknack
41. farrago: a confused mixture
42. logorrhea: incessant or compulsive talkativeness
43. lucubration: the act of studying by candlelight
44. puissant: powerful; mighty
45. carom: a rebound following a collision
46. fecund: capable of producing offspring or vegetation
47. undulation: a regular rising and falling or movement to alternating sides
48. furtive: done by stealth
49. eldritch: weird; eerie

"Managing to phase out her highly animated logorrhea by furtively concentrating on the tchotchke hanging from her neck and then on the undulation of her bosom, SC wrestled with the farrago of thoughts caroming in his cranium, resisting both the puissant desire to strangle her where she stood and the eldritch urge to bifurcate her legs and commense with fecund lucubration."

50. luminary: a person of eminence or brilliant achievement
51. cynosure: an object that serves as a focal point of attention and admiration
52. abecedarian: one who is learning the alphabet

"When it comes to Halo, I am an abecedarian, Jay is a cynosure, and Brent is a luminary."

53. adjuvant: serving to help or assist
54. truckle: to yield or bend obsequiously to the will of another
55. diktat: a harsh settlement unilaterally imposed on a defeated party

"Jay, here is my diktat: if you want to live with me when you grow up, you'll have to become an adjuvant truckler."

56. furbelow: something showy or superfluous
57. chary: wary; cautious
58. saturnine: having a sardonic or bitter aspect
59. reticent: inclined to keep silent
60. insouciant: marked by lighthearted unconcern or indifference
61. hebetude: mental dullness or sluggishness
62. cognoscente: a person with special knowledge of a subject

"The world is most saturnine when the cognoscentes remain chary, reticent, insouciant even, while the implacable morons make a furbelow of their hebetude."

63. gaucherie: a socially awkward or tactless act
64. refulgent: shining brightly

"Among anything but friends, this post would be a refulgent gaucherie."

65. malapropism: an act or habit of misusing words ridiculously
66. bowdlerize: to remove or modify the parts considered offensive

"If I were to bowdlerize this post and extract the malapropisms from what remained, there'd be nothing left!"