Wednesday, June 24, 2009

162 days of DR. D

daedal: adorned with many things (AJR's Cookie Cake)
pule: to whimper or whine (J)
copse: a thicket (AG)
tutelary: having the guardianship or charge of protecting a person or thing (SC)
ebullient: overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement (J)
nimiety: the state of being too much (NL)
gravid: heavy with young or eggs (NL)
salutary: promoting health (AR)
aver: to declare in a positive manner, as if in confidence of asserting the truth (AG)
prestidigitation: sleight of hand (AR)
megrim: a migraine (SC)
redivivus: living again, restored (JC)
disport: to amuse oneself in light or lively manner (AG)
paragon: a model of excellence or perfection (AG)
tergiversation: the act of abandoning a party or cause (JC)
oneiric: dreamy (BS)
abstemious: sparing in eating or drinking (AR)
pother: to be overly concerned with trifles (BS)
espy: to discover, as a distant object partly concealed, or not obvious to notice (JC)
hortatory: marked by strong urging (AG)
cosset: to treat as a pet (AR)
venerate: to revere (BS)
taciturn: habitually silent (a table)
sybarite: a person devoted to luxury and pleasure (NL)
avoirdupois: weight; heaviness (NL)
sagacious: having or showing keen discernment, sound judgment, and farsightedness (J)
pejorative: tending to disparage or belittle (J)
fillip: something serving to rouse or excite (SC)
depredation: an act of plundering or despoiling (BS)
equanimity: composure (JC)
buss: to kiss with a smack (AR)
immure: to entomb in a wall (J)
satiety: the state of being full or gratified to or beyond the point of satisfaction (AG)
fey: elfin (SC)
pernicious: highly injurious (J)
exigency: a case demanding immediate action or remedy (AR)
stolid: having or revealing little emotion or sensibility (BS)
querulous: habitually complaining (J)
unctuous: having a smooth, greasy feel, as certain minerals (NL)
abnegate: to refuse or deny oneself (AR)
odium: the state or fact of being intensely hated as the result of some despicable action (AG)
bombinate: to buzz (SC)
nostrum: a usually questionable remedy or scheme (AG)
coruscate: to give off or reflect bright beams or flashes of light (AR)
lugubrious: mournful, dismal, or gloomy, esp. in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner (J)
quaff: to drink (a beverage) copiously and heartily (AG)
tyro: a beginner in learning (AR)
albatross: any of several large, web-footed sea birds of the family Diomedeidae that have the ability to remain aloft for long periods (JC)
senescent: growing old (SC)
risible: disposed to laugh (NL)
mellifluous: flowing as with honey (AR)
bumptious: crudely, presumptuously, or loudly self-assertive (AG)
somnolent: sleepy; tending to cause sleepiness or drowsiness (AR)
imbroglio: a complicated and embarrassing state of things (AR)
gainsay: to oppose (J)
paladin: a knight-errant (AR)
invidious: containing or implying a slight (J)
peccadillo: a slight offense (AG)
stormy petrel: any of various small sea birds of the family Hydrobatidae, having dark plumage with paler underparts (AG)
crepuscular: appearing or active at twilight (AG)
quiddity: an eccentricity (AR)
ephermeral: existing or continuing for a short time only (J's good moods)
etiolate: to become bleached or whitened, as when grown without sunlight (SC)
outre: unconventional (AG)
labile: constantly or readily undergoing chemical, physical, or biological change or breakdown (AR)
pulchritude: comeliness (AR)
frisson: a moment of intense excitement; a shudder (AR)
impugn: to attack by words or arguments (J)
chimerical: given to or indulging in unrealistic fantasies or fantastic schemes (SC)
nescience: lack or knowledge or awareness (AG)
flummox: to perplex (JC)
longeur: a dull and tedious passage in a book, play, musical composition, or the like (AR)
gambol: to dance and skip about in play (AR)
jape: a trick or prank (NL)
ludic: of or relating to play (NL)
valleity: the lowest degree of desire (all that J is capable of)
feckless: generally incompetent and ineffectual
propinquity: nearness in place (J)
thaumaturgy: the performance of miracles or magic (SC)
diatribe: a bitter verbal attack or speech (J)
florid: flushed with red (J)
libation: the act of pouring a liquid either on the ground or on a victim in sacrifice to some deity (AG)
cormorant: any species of Phalacrocorax, a genus of sea birds having a sac under the beak; the shag (AG)
esoteric: confidential (JC)
inanity: lack of vitality or spirit (AR)
tetchy: testy; irritable (SC)
ululate: to howl, as a dog or wolf (AR)
pedestrian: a person who goes about on foot (J)
equine: of, pertaining to, or resembling a horse (SC)
bilk: to defraud (NL)
sanguine: reddish, ruddy (J)
lampoon: a light, good-humored satire (NL)
hermetic: obscure; magical (JC)
burnish: to make shiny by polishing (AR)
froward: not easily managed (J)
highhanded: acting or done in a bold, arbitrary way (AG)
denigrate: to attack the character or reputation of (AR)
defalcate: to steal or misuse money or property entrusted to one's care (NL)
chaff: to make good-natured fun of someone (BS)
canine: of or like a dog or member of the dog family (AR)
yielding: not stiff or rigid (NL)
wanton: lewd, lascivious (AR)